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The Douglas G. Arner Academic Freedom Scholarship was established in 2006 to recognize Professor Arner's passion for academic freedom and career achievements in the field of Philosophy. Douglas Arner came to ASU in 1959 as an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Philosophy. He was a pivotal member in establishing the Department of Philosophy, served as chair of the Department of Philosophy from 1962-1972, and taught at ASU for 28 years.
He was a deeply principled man whose values and ideals governed the actions he undertook and the direction of his life. Of these principles, the concept and importance of academic freedom figured prominently in his career. Throughout his career, he defended the rights of faculty and students to express their views while also striving to maintain the integrity of the education the department delivered.
Through the generosity of Dr. Arner's son John, former students, colleagues and friends, the scholarship creates a legacy that will benefit many generations of undergraduate students majoring in philosophy.