Oct 10, 2024
October 10, 2024
International Centre for Diffraction Data
International Centre for Diffraction Data – Ludo Frevel Crystallography Graduate Scholarship


The science of crystallography has played a key role in the development of X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, and neutron diffraction for the elucidation of the atomic structure of matter. Crystallography is an interdisciplinary branch of science taught in departments of physics, chemistry, geology, molecular biology, metallurgy, and material science. To encourage promising graduate students to pursue crystallographically oriented research, the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) has established a Crystallography Scholarship Fund, known as the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Fund.

While the Ewald Prize is awarded every three years to an internationally recognized crystallographer, little effort has been made by science departments to cultivate aspiring crystallographers. Convinced of the beneficial, scientific impact of the proposed scholarships for crystallographically oriented research, the ICDD has solicited funds from private and industrial sectors to support this program.


  • The applicant should be a graduate student enrolled in a graduate degree program during the 2025 calendar year, with a major interest in the following:
  • crystallography e.g. crystal structure analysis
  • crystal morphology
  • modulated structures
  • correlation of atomic structure with physical properties
  • systematic classification of crystal structures
  • phase identification
  • materials characterization
  • Students with a graduation date prior to 1 July 2025 are NOT eligible for the 2025 scholarship award.
  • The term of the scholarship is one year. The recipient may make an application for one renewal at the end of the first year. Because a limited number of scholarships are awarded, renewal applications will be considered on a competitive basis in conjunction with all applications that have been submitted up to the closing date.
Newtown Square, PA