Feb 01, 2024
February 1, 2024
California Institute of Technology
The Amgen Scholars Program


The Amgen Scholars Program is a national program aimed at increasing research opportunities for students committed to pursuing careers in the sciences. At Caltech, we provide visiting students the opportunity to conduct research in biology, chemistry, and bio-technical related fields under the guidance of some of the world's leading academic scientists. Research projects, along with scientific seminars, workshops, and networking events, prepare participants to pursue a Ph.D. or the joint M.D./Ph.D. degree and research careers in the sciences and biotechnology.

We are committed to providing research opportunities to students from historically marginalized in STEM fields and to those who attend schools where undergraduate research is limited. The 2023 stipend is $7,100 for the ten-week period, plus campus housing and travel to and from Pasadena. Scholars are required to live in provided campus housing. To enrich the research experience, Amgen Scholars will attend the following: Weekly seminars by Caltech faculty & JPL scientists.

An academic and professional development series on developing a research career, graduate school admissions, and other topics of interest to future researchers.

Effective writing workshops

Social and cultural activities

Weekly small student-faculty dinners

Special field trips

The Amgen Scholars Program is made possible by generous funding from the Amgen Foundation. To learn more about the program or to find information about the other Amgen Scholar sites click here.


The Amgen Scholars program is open to visiting (non-Caltech) students who meet the following eligibility requirements. Amgen Scholars must:

  • Be sophomores (with at least 4 quarters or 3 semesters of college course work), juniors, or non-graduating seniors attending 4-year colleges or universities in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or other U.S. territories*
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2/4.0
  • Be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or have DACA status
  • Have an interest in pursuing a Ph.D. or joint M.D./Ph.D.
  • Students need to be matriculated in a degree-granting undergraduate program. High school students who are co-enrolled in college courses are not eligible.
  • The Caltech Amgen Scholars program supports Caltech's commitment to training a diverse set of science, technology, engineering, and math leaders. Applications are encouraged from, but not limited to, underrepresented minorities, women, first-generation college students, geographically underrepresented students, educationally or financially disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities. All applicants will be considered without regard to race or gender.
  • Please note that students who have been an Amgen Scholar, at any site, are not eligible. Please consider applying through the Caltech SURF program.
  • Caltech students interested in undergraduate research should consider applying to one of the other Amgen sites in the US or in Asia.
  • Caltech students interested in conducting research on campus should apply through the SURF program.

Upon receiving an Amgen Scholarship, students sign an agreement to fulfill the following requirements:

  • To conduct their research from June 21 - August 25, 2023 (Student must commit to these dates. No exceptions will be made.)
  • To live in provided campus housing
  • To devote full effort to conducting the Amgen Scholars project (Scholars cannot take courses or hold another job.)
  • To submit two interim reports approved by the mentor
  • To attend the mid-summer Amgen Scholars conference in July
  • To submit an abstract of their project approved by the mentor
  • To submit a written technical report approved by the mentor
  • To give a final presentation on one of the scheduled seminar day symposia
  • To attend weekly Amgen Scholar meetings
  • To fully participate in Amgen Scholar assessment efforts
  • To abide by Caltech's Honor Code
Pasadena, CA