Apr 01, 2024
April 1, 2024
Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund


The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides financial support for students who are active and emerging organizers in progressive movements for liberation, self-determination and social and economic justice in their communities. Grantees are doing work that does/can potentially undermine the US empire, characterized by an opposition to capitalism, racism/white supremacy, hetero patriarchy and gender-based violence, environmental exploitation and/or other forms of systemic harm and oppression.


  • The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides financial support for students who are active and emerging organizers in progressive movements for liberation, self-determination and social and economic justice in their communities. These need-based scholarships are awarded to students who are enrolled at a college or university or in a trade or technical program.​
  • The maximum grant available is $15,000 per year (from July 1 through June 30), however the average grant for 2023-24 was $7,500. Grants are disbursed over each separate semester, quarter or term during which the grantee is attending school. Grants must be used in the year they are awarded and cannot be deferred or carried over. Students can be granted more than once. Recipients who have previously received a grant must reapply each year support is sought. Applications must be submitted no later than April 1. Applicants will be informed of decisions in July.
  • In order to be eligible for the Davis Putter Scholarship, you need to be involved in movements for progressive social change, enrolled in a degree, trade or training program, and have financial need.
  • We will define each of these below. If you do not meet these requirements, you will not qualify for the scholarship and should not continue. Answering "Yes” to all three of the following questions will allow you to apply for the scholarship, but does not guarantee that you will be awarded.

Will you be enrolled in a degree or certificate program at the post-secondary level?

  • You must have applied to or be currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program at either a college, university, or trade/technical school. If you are applying and have not made your decision by April 1, you must let DPSF know once you make your decision.

Are you active in movements for progressive social change?

  • The Fund seeks to support people working toward self-determination for all oppressed people. Grantees are doing work that does/can potentially undermine the US empire. This work is characterized by an opposition to capitalism, racism/white supremacy, hetero patriarchy and gender-based violence, environmental exploitation and/or other forms of systemic harm and oppression. International solidarity that challenges US imperialism around the globe is also highly considered.
  • We value the labor and leadership that it takes to sustain and grow movements. There are people who do more public-facing work, and others who work behind the scenes to make actions and meetings possible. Others do the necessary and important work of team building and conflict transformation within groups. All these, and more, are crucial and valuable components of what it means to build a team, and to sustain movements through the ebb and flow of our current political climate. We want to find people who are inspired to and willing to commit to this work over the long haul, who are committed to their own individual growth and development, and that of the larger movement.
  • The Fund seeks to support the development of active and emerging movement leaders, so it is expected that grantees may be new or emerging leaders. The Fund recognizes that not everyone has access to the same resources and networks and particularly encourages folks from under-resourced regions, those in rural communities, and students outside of major cities to apply. We love to receive applications and support student activists who are from leading social change work on the margins of traditional/mainstream movement activism, and would consider applicants who may not have access to other financial support for the radical work they are holding.

Do you have financial need?

  • We are in an ever-deepening state of economic uncertainty where financial need is higher for every student across the board. As a need-based scholarship, DPSF prioritizes applicants who do not come from economic privilege and have limited to no access to familial wealth.
New York, NY