Feb 29, 2024
February 29, 2024
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
The Southwest Airlines Scholarship


Southwest is committed to building a diverse talent pipeline, while inspiring future generations to find careers within the airline industry. The Southwest Airlines Scholarship provides access to education and is available to those seeking diverse educational pathways.

Applicants must intend to enroll or be enrolled at an accredited vocational, community/junior college or undergraduate program, and pursuing a degree or post-secondary certificate. The selection committee looks for students showing academic achievement, financial need, demonstrated communication skills and strong character values. In addition, the selection committee will take into consideration the overall quality of the application materials and personal statement.


  • Demonstrate career interest in the airline industry through one or more of the following:
  • Acceptance into a degree program, major, or trade specialty that prepares for careers within the airline industry (including but not limited to: frontline operations, customer service and hospitality, aircraft maintenance, dispatch, engineering, flight operations; as well as corporate positions such as finance, technology, human resources, marketing, sales, and communications.) 
  • Demonstrated vocational interest or personal aspirations in the airline industry through internship, work, or extracurricular experiences.
  • Age must be 24 or younger at the time the applications are due.
  • Must be attending or planning to attend an accredited college or university in a vocational, 2-year or 4-year program in the upcoming fall or spring semester.
  • Demonstrated academic achievement or growth and leadership qualities through extracurricular activities.
  • Minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA (if currently enrolled in classes).
  • Scholarships may be applied only to tuition, on-campus room and board, books and costs related to an institution’s cost of attendance. Students who receive full scholarships (covering the cost of tuition and books) during the year from any other source(s) are not eligible.
  • Special consideration is given to applicants who identify as black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), are first-generation college students, and are eligible for the Federal Pell Grant.
  • Applicants may not be: Dependents of current Southwest Airlines (SWA) Employees or Company officers. If you are a dependent of a SWA employee, please refer to the Herbert D. Kelleher and Rollin W. King Scholarship.
San Jose, CA